2024 Class Schedule For South Paw Obedience Classes and Events

Class Schedule for 2024



Basic Obedience
6:30 PM
Wed Classes
Obedienct 10 AM
Rally 6:30 PM
Thursday Rally
10 AM, 6 PM and 7 PM
Satruday Conformation and Obedience  Classes 1 and 2 PM
June 4th January 3rd January 4th January 6th - 27
July 9th
February 7th
February 8th
 February 3rd - 24th
August 13th
March 13th
March 14th
March 2nd - 23rd
September 24th
April 17th
April 18st
April 13th - 27th
October 29th
May 22th
May 23th May 4, 11, 25
  July 10th July 11th Jun/Jul 1st -13th
  August 14th August 15th Auguat 3rd - 31st
  September 25th September 26th Sept14th - . 28th
  October 30th October 31st Octr 5th - Nov 23rd

Private lessons are available call 256-586-0234